At the beginning of the month we have published live that a member of the Spanish Police has infiltrated for two years the movement for the right to housing and the Catalan independence left. The research report has had a great influence on public opinion and on the political agenda.
In Barcelona, the CUP asks the University Department to clarify how the police could register at the public university with false identity. It also asks the Interior Department to specify why it is the only person who has not received the fine imposed by Esquadra Mosso for trying to paralyse a eviction.
In Madrid, the Catalan independence parties have requested the appearance of the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska. Marlaska says they are speculations without any evidence in the lawsuit. Before his ministry did not want to make any statement, he diverted us to the Police Directorate-General and the Directorate responded with a brief message: “We have nothing to say.”
We do not, of course, expect anything from a judge who has accumulated seven convictions from the European Court of Human Rights for not investigating allegations of torture. There is no point in the physiognomic expert value, which determines with certainty I. J. R. G. That the police are the same person as Marc Hernández Pon infiltrated with false identity. Nor do the official documents we have presented, the published photograph and dozens of testimonies ratifying the deceit.
"The Ministry of the Interior did not want to make statements. The Police Directorate-General responded to us: 'We have nothing to say'
Admitting that we have caught them would be that they allocate public resources to spy on the collectives, so that those who fight for public education, against speculation or so that no one is left homeless. These are the objectives of the Unioniat d'Estudiants dels Països Catalans, Casal Popular Lina Òtodo and Resistm al Gòtic movements, in which the double agent infiltrated after the ruling of the Spanish Supreme Court against the independence process. All this in parallel with the intervention of dozens of independent mobile phones with the Israeli Pegasus programme.
We can only think of two options: either their ignorance of the Catalan reality is so great that they should focus their efforts on gathering information from entities with public activity and open to participation, away from any illegal activity, or they simply intend to generate fear and mistrust among the new generations of militants. The first hypothesis is credible, the second is an inevitable conclusion in the short term.
Dozens of young people are surprised when they discover that their partner, in some cases friend, has lied to them all that time. Frustration is confused with the feeling of guilt, due to a supposed “innocence”. But it has to be clearly stated that the core values of any militant must be love and trust. Love for the reasons we defend and trust in the people with whom we share that path.
Marc is now enjoying a retirement in his hometown of Menorca. A few months ago he bought a home with taxpayers' money, which he has won for carrying out a risky mission of denouncing a group of young people. They tell us that that gets up to their friends, who will never understand like him that the most beautiful things in life are not done for money, but for persuasion. So you should be clear that for every vassals like Marc, there are hundreds of young people willing not to sell their ideals. Never before, baby boy.