Saran Usopop organizes the weekend Lost Maps festival
  • After ten years of organizing a music festival in Lizarraga, the Usopop association has decided to explore new paths. They've been betting on the fusion of music and cartography, and the result is a festival called Lost Maps. The date is 28, 29 and 30 October in Sara.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 24a
2017ko Usopop jaialdia (Argazkia:

After the decision that the Usopop festival came to an end, two years ago the members of the Usopop association decided to put an end to the initiative, ceasing to organize the festival they organized in Lizarraga. But the trajectory of the association has not ended there, and after two years they decide to take new paths. Combining music and cartography, they've organized the Lost Maps festival. It will be held from 28 to 30 October in Sara, in the town square and in the Lur Berri room.

Music also stands out in the new path undertaken. On October 28, the assistant will be able to enjoy the direct ones of Zetkin and Kurtney Barnetxe. On 29 October, on the contrary, they will act on the stage Mursego, Just Mustard, Vulk and Lukie. And October 30 will be the turn of Tarta Relena and Herman Dune.

However, the program of the Lost Maps festival goes beyond music. On 29 October there will be a walk through the town of Bidaurrieta. "This quote, based on surprise and closeness, puts upside to the direct experience," they warn. As they explain, the proposal is an "alternative march" that goes to "enrich the Usopop adventure". The tour covers four areas, in each of which there will be an artist. The number of participants will be limited and, as a condition, a three-day pass will be required to complete the tour.

Among the novelties is the unique creation Mugarri 25. Several artists from the "house seal" and from various backgrounds will make a week-long stay on Mount Larrun, and on October 30 they will present it at Lur Berri, in order to create an action. Nahia Zubeldia, Aitor Etxebarria, Rüdiger, Vincent Bestaven, Orbel, Paxkal Irigoyen, Peio I. Artists Erramouspe, Gartxot Unsain and Jonas Bonetta participate.

The tickets are for sale on this website.