A demonstration in Tudela against the zoning of the Basque Country in October
  • "On 22 October we will be in Tudela in favour of the Basque language, in favour of the linguistic rights of the Basque people in Navarra, against the zoning that hinders or eliminates the possibilities for the Navarre language to live freely throughout Navarre". There it is! the popular initiative has called on the citizens of the area who have been called "non-Basque", and especially those of the Ribera, to participate in the demonstration to be held on 22 October in Tudela.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 27a
Dozena bat lagun bildu ditu Hordago! ekimenak Tuteran emandako prentsaurrekoak / Hordago!

Last November it was presented "To overcome the zoning of the Basque Country" Hordago! initiative in the town of Cortes, further south of Navarre. The popular initiative expressed its desire to move forward in the elimination of all obstacles that prevent any Navarro from exercising their right to know and use the Basque language throughout Navarre, wherever it is, and live wherever it is: “Zoning was unfair four decades ago and is now anachronistic.” They pointed out that the existence in the Foral Community of three areas differentiated according to linguistic rights is a source of discrimination, inequality and inequality between Navarros. They want Navarre to be a land that promotes the cohesion of citizenship, "without graduating citizenship according to language, and that takes into account linguistic diversity".

The demonstration was announced at a press conference on Saturday in Tudela. "The citizens of the Ribera who are here today are Euskaldunes, or we have boys and girls in model D, or we are learning Euskera in adulthood, or we intend to learn, or we simply consider Euskera as part of our status as Navarros, and on 22 October we will claim aloud that Euskera is the language of all of Navarre, from Cortes to Bera. Because you can't understand Navarre without the Basque, or the Basque without Navarre."