The Komunikabideak and Euskaltzaindia Foundation will award Basque children from Mañeruibar
  • The act will recognize the efforts of the families of the peoples of the mixed and non-Basque area in which the Basque Country had disappeared. The event will begin at 11:30 in the City Hall with the video of filmmaker Oskar Alegría.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2024ko maiatzaren 24a
Sagrario Aleman eta Kike Diez de Ulzurrun.

The Royal Academy of the Basque Language and the Komunikabideak Foundation of Pamplona have organised an act of recognition for Basque children from Mañeruibar. It will take place on May 25 at 11:45 hours in Plaza de Mañeru. Previously, filmmaker Oskar Alegria will offer a video at the city hall at 11:30 in the morning.

At the event, the Media Foundation of Pamplona and Euskaltzaindia want to recognize the families of Mañeruibar (Mañeru, Cirauqui, Artazu and Guirguillano) the effort they make to euskaldunize their children through Basque teaching models.

Mañeru is also dark green, and for this purpose the families of these peoples of the mixed and non-Basque area in which the Basque country had lost will be awarded for their daily commitment to the rooting and consolidation of the Basque country.