Mañeru, our compass
Aritz Santamaria @RekarteAritz 2023ko otsailaren 08a

Last Thursday the PSN and Navarra Suma rejected in the Parliament of Navarra the proposal of law to enter the mixed area of Mañeru. In addition to refusing, the PSN proved harsh. Although the City of Mañeru unanimously approved the inclusion in the mixed area, the law was not approved, so in Mañeru the Basque country will not have sufficient protection. With the door-to-door elections, it seemed like an opportunity for socialists to point the way. However, the PSN once again hampers the Basque country, that is, it opposes improving the health of the Basque country.

Let us begin with the adoption in 1986 of the current Foral Law of the Basque Country. Further back, in 1980 the Parliament of Navarre adopted the resolution to formalize the Basque country throughout Navarre. That day the resolution received the favourable votes from the PSN. It is known that the Spanish Government annulled the resolution and that the current Foral Law of the Basque Country is a consequence of the idea of zoning.

The PSN had a great opportunity to make a gesture to the Basque and the Basques once and for all; it only had to accept the will of Mañeru

Fortunately, this law has undergone changes, although few. The most significant example is the progress made in 2017: 44 villages in Navarre moved to the mixed area, while Atez is in the Vascophony area. Guess what the PSN voted this time? Of course! He voted against.

The obsession and fear of the PSN in the Basque country are evident. However, President Txibite in Irulegi’s discovery had to go in the front row of the photo… Last November, Aranzadi researchers found the oldest text of the Vasconic language on Mount Irulegi. I.A.C. It is a 20th century text in which the inscription “sorioneku” can be seen. The lehendakari Txibite defined the discovery as a treasure, a lehendakari that forgets over and over again the treasure we have the Basque.

Returning to the thread, the PSN had a great opportunity to, once and for all, make a gesture to the Basque and the Basques; it only had to accept the will of Mañeru. It should not be forgotten that the request of the City of Mañeru is very sensible: most studies in model D and is the only village in the valley that is outside the mixed area. Who knows, in this way, that they could also take some votes. As has been said, the PSN voted against, according to Navarre Sumario, and Mañeru will continue in the non-vascopan area.

As for the Basque law and nomalization, PSN and UPN cannot be distinguished, because they have the same attitude

This attitude generates two reflections. First, with regard to the Basque law and nomalization, PSN and UPN cannot be distinguished, because they have the same position. Secondly, the calculations made at the Socialist Party leadership invite us to think about whether they will not agree a government with UPN in the forthcoming elections.

Thus, the Navarros will be creative when the PSN changes attitude, because the health of the Basque country will improve. In the wake of the discovery of Irulegi's hand, I'm going to recall a few words from Gontzal Mendibil: "Let's go from Gatoz." And there is precisely our north.

Aritz Santamaría