PSN and Navarra Suma have prevented the passage of Mañeru to the mixed area and have been accused of Euskaphobia on the street
  • The plenary session of the City of January unanimously requested the transfer from Mañeru from the non-vascophony zone to the mixed zone, for which it needs the majority support of the Parliament of Navarra. The vote was held on Thursday and the will of the Corporation has been suspended for the vote against PSN and Navarra Suma.
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Mañeruko udalbatzaren nahia errespetatzeko eskatu dute Nafarroako Parlamentuaren kanpoaldean. / Iñaki Porto, Noticias de Navarra

Given the week overtaken by both sides that the move to the mixed area of Mañeru would not be allowed, the Mayor of Mañeru explained "anger and impotence". Also the parties that voted in favour of the change – Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Ahal Dugu and Left Ezkerra – have denounced the lack of coherence of the PSN, as more than 40 villages in the valley jumped into the mixed area in 2017: "Why not Mañeru? he is criticized in the bitter awakening in Parliament.

Three quarters of the boys and girls in Mañeru study in model D in Puente la Reina, and according to a survey conducted by Euskarabidea, two thirds of the population wants to move to the mixed zone. In the face of the refusal, they have held a concentration outside the Parliament of Navarra convened by the Euskera Defense Network. It has also been endorsed by the Basque Culture Council and denounced the existence of Euskaphobia.

Video made by "The PSN's only contribution has been money, but not to support the Basque people, but to silence the Basque people," said Fermintxo Zabaltza.