Mamiki Emakume Konpartsa doesn't ride txosnas this year in the Bilbao Big Week
  • Among the reasons for taking the decision are the "structural problems" to move forward, such as the lack of relief. After a group process and after 43 years, they decide not to set up a txosna this year. However, there is a disagreement with the decision, and in order to continue the comparison, they create Mamiki Berria.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2022ko ekainaren 09a
Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

The feminist comparsa Mamiki, through a public note on Wednesday, has announced that this year she is not going to put txosnas. Sincerely, they claim that they are "at a rather delicate time", so they have been forced to make a series of decisions, one of them being not to set up a txosna this year.

The structural problems that have been dragging on for years have been identified as one of the reasons for making the decision, among others, the lack of a "committed relay to energize and attend to the whole activity". "In the motor group we are few, we have no forces to get to everything and there is no answer to what we call our mammalian universe," they say. They explain that they have made a constant effort to encourage women to be Mamiki's sharing partners, but without the success they would like. "We have tried to build a more proactive comparative dynamic, and in the last attempt to close the cycle with dignity, as Mamiki is worthwhile after 43 years of life, we have come to the last moment at several doors without obtaining the desired result," it can be read in the published paper.

For this reason, it has been decided not to set up a txosna at this year's Aste Nagusia, considering that there is not "enough bellows for it". They stress that the decision is the result of a group process and that it is endorsed by the sympathizers who met at the last meeting. "In it we set out in detail the process of the last five years, and it became clear that we are at the end of a cycle, on the threshold of dismissing the comparison project."

Mamiki Berria

The rumour of the possible closure of the Comparsa Mamiki has been in the air in recent days, so some of the answers that have been given have been discussed. They say that the news has provoked "actions" of women who seem to want to look to the future in a different way, to make it clear that they do not share them "either in the form or in the content". They say that "they have nothing to do with the creativity or feminist practice that Mamiki claims to be. However, we believe that we must value and resolve these actions constructively and internally".

As you would assume, they refer to Mamiki Berria, who has been presented as "a restructured group made up of several women from Mamiki" and who this week have drawn the manifesto with the intention of maintaining Comparsa Mamiki. They say that the decision not to assemble the txosna has not been taken with all those who form Mamiki, and that Mamiki Berria wants to "try to expand the project" and reorganize "what has been this safe space for us so far". At the head of this idea, signatures are being collected with the aim of taking the pulse of the future of comparison and knowing its feasibility.

Mamiki Emakumeon Konpartsa was born in 1979 with the objective of symbolizing the feminist view in Great Week and in the festive model. Since then the project has been supported by the Women's Assembly of Bizkaia, BEA, with a trajectory of 43 years.