They call on the Government of Navarre to halt macro-farm projects
  • Emphasizing the damage to macro-farms, the Subai Erakuntza Foundation has submitted allegations to Navarros projects for the start-up of new farms and the expansion of existing ones, in order to curb projects by means of a moratorium.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 27a
Caparrosoko makro-ustiategia. Argazkia: El Salto

In general, the Foundation refers to macro-farm projects for the industrial exploitation of feed animals: pig herds or species of birds (mainly chickens), or companies that manage a large amount of waste generated by them with their dejections. It includes the intensive macro-exploitation of dairy cattle from Caparroso Valle de Odieta and the associated plant biometering of cowboy residues and other organic residues.

Ekologistak Martxan explained that the claims submitted reflect the negative aspects of each project, but that some of the damage they cause in nature and in the social environment are common to all macro-holdings.

In favour of another model

The pollution, the deterioration of rural life, the eviction of villages, the loss of small livestock properties, the loss of fertile soils, the destruction of soybean monoculture, climate change… are some of the damages that Subai Fundazioa points out in his allegations: “Faced with an intensive and unsustainable industrial model, we have been defending for years in Navarre an extensive livestock model that guarantees quality products and takes care of the soil and forests, revitalizing rural areas.” That is why, as they have done in other communities, they have called on the Government of Navarre to establish an urgent moratorium to halt new macro-farm projects.