The First of May the trade union majority will share a common image
  • LAB, ELA, ESK, STEILAS, HIRU and ETXALDE will be the unions that will share the image that has been launched throughout the day. They call the working class to place on the windows and balconies the symbol of the First of May.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 24a
Maiatzaren Lehenerako irudi bateratua aukeratu dute LAB, ELA, STEILAS, HIRU eta ETXAIDEk. Argazkia: Berria.

Although before and on the same day each trade union has organised its own initiatives, it has been in favour of a common image being disseminated among all trade unions. They have appealed to place this image on the balconies and windows of the working class of Euskal Herria, with the aim of “making visible the strength and the claim of the working class”.

LAB says it wants to draw a future that puts life at the center of the black future that it wants to draw capital. Thus, the First of May has been established as a day of claim and celebration, to be celebrated in a colorful way.

The public image will be present in the publications of each trade union; digital posters, videos, etc. They have also appealed to the public to print the image or draw it by hand.