Herri Urrats takes place on 8 May in Senpere
  • The festival of the ikastolas of Ipar Euskal Herria returns to the lagoon of Senpere after two years without making the traditional festival. On Wednesday, the program that will unite the claim and the festival in Donostia has been announced.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 20a
Argazkia: Guillaume Fauveau

The annual festival of the ikastolas of Ipar Euskal Herria, Herri Urrats, was held in Lake Senpere. This year’s festival will be held on 8 May, after two years of paron in the Basque capital. This year’s benefits will be to open SEASKA’s fifth school. In fact, the number of students in recent years has increased and the need for places has decreased. The school, which will be built in Senpere, would like to have it ready for the next course.

This year's motto of Herri Urrats will be "Itzulera", and they have regained the shoe, which was the first logo of the initiative. They will take advantage of the festival to echo and strengthen the struggles SEASKA is carrying out in recent years. They have reorganised a very comprehensive programme for this year, in which, as they have pointed out, they have made a special effort. As usual, the festival will have four main areas located in the vicinity of Lake Senpere: In the areas of Araba, Lapurdi, Navarra and Gipuzkoa. The children's space Araba, but there will also be several concerts: Pauline and Juliette, Mutxikoak, Kilimak, Albosax, Xiberoots, Astobaba and the Trikidantz Pilgrimage Group. Concerts will start at 10:00 and close at 20:00.

The Lapurdi area will be a meeting space for food, and Artxeroak and the bertsolaris will also take action to get there. In addition, Nat and Watson are available for lunch. In the area of Navarre there will also be many concerts. The first to go onstage will be the Laparrak group, made up of Lizeo students. Next, we will see Aho, Aho zakil Konekxion and Aguxtin Alkhat in action. At 14:00, it will be the turn of the Donostian group Skakeitan, which will offer the first concert of a very special tour in the Gipuzkoan capital. Next, it will be the turn of the Mondragon Des-kontrol group, which will be accompanied by Xabier Usabiaga. Senpere will be the first date on the tour they have organised to celebrate their 25th anniversary, after a few years without playing onstage. Next, the Willis Drummond group and the pair Dupla de Salvatierra/Agurain will close the area.

In addition, Herri Urrats has a special space dedicated to dance that has no other festival of the ikastolas. One more year, the Gipuzkoa space will host several dance performances, and singer Tristan Murgi and the Zeze group will close this year’s programme. The youth of the Estitxu Robles colony will do so, who will show in Herri Urrats the result of the class they have made with the company Dantzaz. Next, K balet, Herri Urrats Kantauz, Wazza Panda Familia, Topa Noka will act, and to finish with the dance exhibitions, the collective Kimua Dantza Kolektiboa will represent his latest work GenEroa.

The song Itzulera, with the hand of the Zetak group and Erramun Martikorena. The dance group Kukai has participated in the music video of the play.