Family members or friends may meet from 11 to a maximum of 10
  • If everything is going well, meetings of up to ten people between family and friends will be approved in the first phase that the Spanish Government has set up. The physical distance must be respected.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko maiatzaren 03a
Terrazan bai, baita hamar lagun ere, baina distantzia fisikoa mantendu beharko da. Argazkia:

The first tests of the first phase will be the islands of Formentera, La Gomera, Hierro and La Graciosa, both of which are of the Spanish State. They will start on May 4 and their eyes will be fixed on them. Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Araba and Navarra will begin the first phase on 11 May, provided that the indicators established by the Spanish Government are met. Among other factors, the number of infections, hospital admissions, healings, capacity for diagnosis and rapid isolation will be taken into account.

Friends and family members will be able to meet in their homes, outdoors or on the terraces of the city's bars. Those infected may not be present at these meetings, or those who are in contact with those affected and are isolated in quarantine.

The Government of Spain has reported that bars and restaurants will be able to use 30% of their capacity, but after the time of criticism, the capacity will be half. Fairs in the open air will be able to use a quarter of their capacity and in religious celebrations 30%.

Each phase shall have a minimum duration of 14 days, the maximum incubation period of the virus.