Real cost of the Giant Flag of Navarra installed in Pamplona by Maia: EUR 178,000
  • In the Plaza de los Fueros de Pamplona the giant flag of Navarre was placed on June 24. The total cost was 178,000 euros, 79% more than what the municipal government said.
2022ko abuztuaren 26a
Argazkia: Iruñeko Udala

Navarre Suma assured that the giant flag of Navarre placed in Pamplona would cost 100,000 euros “around”. The newspaper Noticias de Navarra gave the real price: EUR 178,000, with detailed data. The construction and placement of the symbol has cost EUR 168,498, almost EUR 10,000.

Among others, the construction and installation of 30-meter masts, 8x12 meters flags, drills and end lights has cost 97,415 euros, which was initially pointed out by Navarra Sum that would amount to 75,000 euros. To this must be added the costs of other materials and works. In addition, the city council has spent almost 10,000 euros on lighting the mast.

The mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maia, defended the placement of the giant emblem in the Plaza de los Fueros: “The flag was necessary because it symbolizes our Navarra identity.”