Madrid City Council Decides to Close the Incinerator of Valdemingomez
  • Madrid’s city council has announced that it will close the controversial Valdemingomez incinerator in 2025. On the way to this, Madrid will reduce the amount of waste that is incinerated to 50% by 2022.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2018ko ekainaren 28a
Urte luzez mobilizatu dira Valdemingomezko erraustegiaren aurka, batik bat hurbil bizi diren Rivas-Vaciamadriden.

The news was announced in the morning of Wednesday (28) under the leadership of Mayor Manuela Carmena (Ahora Madrid-Podemos) The Councilor for the Environment, Inés Sabanes (Equo), anticipated in the presentation of the new waste plan and immediately spread as in the media on social networks.

The details of the decision of the Madrid City Council can be heard here in the mouth of Councilman Sabanes:

The Valdemingomez incinerator is also popular in the Basque Country, where affected citizens have been here several times telling their experience. The testimony of Clara Peralas, who suffers the Chancellor, is still remembered by many: