Maddi Sarasua Laskarai was the winner of the second third of the final that was disputed in Sohüta, with 323.5 points, and has won a place to participate in the Most Anticipated Final of 7 November in Izpura. This is how the BBVA League qualifies:
Maddi Sarasua Laskarai 323.5
Campo Egoitz 320,5
Elixabet Etxandi Goienetxe 301
Maindi Murua Berra 295.5
Mizel Mateo 289
Iker Altuna 273
Next Saturday, October 31, the third and final session of this phase of the XILABA Bertsulari Xapelketa Final Third will be held at the Herriko Gela in Izturitz. With the bertsolaris Odei Barroso Gomila, Maddi Ane Txoperena Iribarren, Xumai Murua Berra, Ramuntxo Christy, Xan Alkhat, and Ortzi Idoate. After the programme it will be decided which bertsolaris will sing together with AMETS Arzallus Antia.