Maddalen Aduriz, fashion and educational equality
"We use violence against women"
  • Aduriz Hik Hasi, an educator of fashion and equality, talks about the problems that arise from the consumption of current fashion.
Nahia Ibarzabal @NahiaIbarzabal 2018ko uztailaren 10
"Publizitate sexistak, emakumea argala, liraina, ilerik eta zelulitisik izatera bultzatzen ditu emakumeak, besteren artean".

The fashion industry, although it provides the most benefits, claims to be the industry that pays the least to its employees. “Production is carried out in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe by young women and children in slavery.”

“We women are buying clothes made as slaves. We use violence against women.” She explains that “sexist advertising” leads women to be thin, slender, hairless, without cellulite, etc., and that this leads to an increase in diseases related to eating disorders.

She also points out that women seek happiness in beauty, and that when buying products aimed at women, an excessive price called pink tax is paid.

The sector that generates the most pollution is also the fashion industry, “the weaving of raw materials and their chemical dyeings cause great damage both to the workers who work in these tasks and to environmental health”.

Alternatives to the capitalist fashion industry

According to what he has explained, designers and brands are starting to emerge with the objective of sustainability, “an example of this are the products they create and produce here”.

He also says that learning how to sew is important because it “allows us to undermine the question of measures, to renounce both the imposition of trends and stereotypes, and not to consume them in fashion multinationals”.