Macron offers autonomy to Corsica within the French Republic
  • In the French Constitution an article took up the special character of Corsica. The President announces his intention to promote corso in education, but not to make it an official language.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 29a
Macronek proposamena ostegunean egin du Korsikako Asanblearen aurrean, uhartea naziengandik askatu zutenetik 80 urte bete direnean. (Argazkia: EFE/EPA/Pascal Pochard-Casabianca/ POOL)

French President Emmanuel Macron offers autonomy to Corsica. It stresses that this autonomy would be built within the French Republic and that an article of the Constitution included the peculiar character of the Corsica, as "an islandous historical, linguistic and cultural community".

The proposal was made on Thursday in front of the Assembly of Corsica, when 80 years have passed since the Nazi liberation of the island.

The President grants a period of six months to the Government and the elected Corsican to draft a constitutional and organic text. To launch the constitutional reform process, they would be based on that agreement. Then in Corsica they would have a referendum for citizens to vote on change.

Corso: in education yes, unofficial

At present, in the Corsica assembly, nationalists have three quarters of their seats. On 5 July, in the context of a project of autonomy, a number of requests were made, such as the officialdom with the French corso. The President said that only French would be the official language.

Macro is willing to offer more space to Korsikerari in education, and points out that he wants to create a public and bilingual education, arguing that "in Corsica he would have to teach more corsic".

Macron has recognised that the island needs measures tailored to its needs, such as laws such as those related to mountains and the sea, or challenges to tackling climate change.

Reactions of the parties

The nationalist party is Femu a Corsica, president of the Assembly of Corsica, Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, and president of the government of the island of Gilles Simeoni, who consider the moment to be "historic" and "hopeful". They point out that it would be "the change to an autonomous territory that Corsica needs" to accept autonomy while maintaining its character, French, European and Mediterranean.

Josépha Giacometti Corsica Liberta, elected from the independence party, did not attend Macron's speech. I denounce that there has been no possibility in the House of discussing different positions.