Is the earthquake a natural disaster or a murder?
Zeynep Gül 2023ko otsailaren 15

Turkey is situated in seismic belts. An earthquake of 7.4 magnitude occurred in 1999, followed by earthquakes in many other provinces, with many devastations and victims. In each case, Turkey was surprised by the earthquake, as if it were the first time something like this happened. And after each earthquake, the authorities described what happened as “the work of destiny.”

Except for some fictional judgments, those who built these corrupt buildings and those who authorized their construction were not judged. This latest earthquake has come screaming. Reports by professionals and experts have not been taken into account. Warnings indicating that a major earthquake was to occur in the provinces where damage occurred and that action was needed. The new buildings of a few years were destroyed, which should have been built according to anti-earthquake standards.

In the first 6 critical hours there was no equipment anywhere

In 2011, following the earthquake in the Turkish city of Van (magnitude 7.4), the hospitals to be demolished did not melt and those to be reinforced were not strengthened. So the government said there was no budget for that. These hospitals have fallen with the latest earthquake. The patients and the toilets lost their lives. In other words, the Government prepared people's deaths as a result of interest in profitability.

Since the present government exists, the election of seats has been based on affinity with the party and not on the technical capacity to hold office. The head of the AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Authority) is a graduate in Theology. It has no training or capacity for the work it should do. The DFA budget is not one tenth of the religion budget. But why is it important? Because from the first moment of the earthquake, chaos and lack of organization were absolute. The institutions could not take one step without permission, because the only authorised was the president.

In the first 6 critical hours there was no equipment anywhere. People were trying to get the trapped under landfills out with their hands. As the hours passed, the sounds that were heard from debris diminished and there was not enough equipment or materials. There are still ruins in which no work has begun.

While the citizen was trying to convey shouts "no help", the state authorities said "we have reached all places"

While the citizen was trying to convey shouts "no help", the state authorities said "we have reached all places". The major media first installed cameras, then brought teams and showed that they were working. People organised with their means a huge network of solidarity. Aid was received, but the government prevented this aid from reaching people.

Those who survived the rubble and did not go to their destination were cold for several days, waiting, without food or water. A beer brand wanted to send winter coats to areas affected by the earthquake, but they were rejected because they had a logo that they thought would encourage alcohol use.

Twitter has become an excellent communication and organization tool for rescue, but access to Adyaman province was blocked. This happened after the videos of the governor and the minister were broadcast on the social network, in which the people manifested their anger towards them. Despite Twitter's reopening altars, the blockade continues. State President Erdogan moved to the region with a bodyguard and said they would deal with what they said "no help, where the state is". Those who criticized the Twitter government were quickly arrested.

People organised with their means a huge network of solidarity. Aid was received, but the government prevented this aid from reaching people.

There are enough examples to see that the Turkish government is in decline and that people are paying with their lives. The only means of maintaining this mismanagement are the solidarity networks established by the people. But the state is also attentive to them. Given the credibility, heaviness and incompetence of government institutions, it seeks to support much better organized civil initiatives by the people.

However, rumours suggest that the government will be named trustee, head of these actors, and confiscate the money. The circular requiring the transfer of all the grant from abroad to the DFA has already been published. The government wants to control the distribution of aid completely and does not accept the popular initiative. However, municipalities outside the Erdogan party are doing important work in providing basic services to people affected by the earthquake. If you are interested in making a contribution, I share the link of the online shop of the campaign for basic needs organized by the City of Izmir. We also shared data from the Red Crescent Curve. It is working in Kurdish areas of Syria which are badly affected by the disaster.

The government of Erdogan and its corrupt structures are the biggest obstacle to our life and well-being.


Online gift shop of the municipality Esmirna Metropolitano:

Red Crescent Curve Switzerland:

Banque Cantonale Vaudoise

CCC 10-725-4

IBAN: CH62 0076 7000 L543 3416 5


Zeynep Gül

Turkish entrepreneur based in Euskal Herria, does not give his real name for security reasons