Collective right to soil conservation
AHT Gelditu @ahtgelditu 2023ko azaroaren 25a

Major infrastructure and development such as the High-Speed Train that is being imposed as an essential benchmark for development, well-being and modernity or, more recently, as an element to cope with climate challenges, require a large amount of money for planning and construction (about 10,000 euros in Hego Euskal Herria), in subsequent maintenance (about 100,000 euros per kilometre per year) and, on the other hand, without taking into account public spending. And how can we allocate money from public budgets?

Through the exploitation, mobilization, domination, suppression of direct personnel in the construction of the APR or of public funds that we do not know why they have been received in this world organized in an unjust imbalance, exploiting, mobilizing, dominating, suppressing workers who work directly in the construction of the APR. That is, from areas directly or indirectly related to care.

Few things are as fundamental as care for life to be and last. We will all need care at different times in our lives and we must participate in care, when we choose it and in the conditions we need, today, even if it is a privilege that is not available to everyone. The importance of caregiving is also an increasingly mentioned theme. However, we live immersed in another day that clashes with this basic reality. As evidenced by the data, in a theme that is the backbone to maintain the life of care, the predominance of lack of recognition, invisibility, the impossibility of choice, evident insecurity and abuse, among others.

We want to thank the EH Feminist Movement for putting everyone's lives at the centre. We want to join the general feminist strike that on 30 November has called for the collective right to custody, emphasizing the collective right to custody of the Earth

This burden that has been imposed on women over the centuries, in general, remains largely borne by the most vulnerable groups, immigrant and racist women. Its economic contribution to society is estimated at around 24% of GDP in Hego Euskal Herria (other contributions should be added). In many cases, this basic need that is addressed through the possibilities of the personal and personal scope also becomes a business issue when responsibility is transferred to the public-collective sphere.

That progress is rapid and massive, that time is saved, that people and others are in continuous movement, that they are closer to the farthest, rather than bringing value to living beings, the environment, vision, modes, characteristics, opportunities…, that an unbalanced and homogenizing globalisation is promoted. But care has more to adapt to the rhythm and next to what's going to be cared for, to listen, to give time and to share, to have to walk at full speed and run away from time and to want to take legal value. Living faster does not mean better living deeper, wider or longer. As a society, we cannot advance, we cannot overcome the challenges and address the new ones when the base is despicable, but the support, in this case one of the pillars of society, hardly resists.

This worrying situation occurs not only in the care of people, but in the current model of society, in the same and in the rest of the world, the care with the rest of the living beings and with the environment that surround us and the caregivers are persecuted, even murdered in some places, when they question the intentions to obtain benefits continuously and permanently. In this area, despite the differences, there are the inhabitants of the Global South, the inhabitants of rural areas, small farmers, farmers and fishermen, the individuals and groups opposed to biodiversity, land, water, light and air, the commons of all, the guardians and projects of ecosystem destruction.

We therefore believe it is essential to highlight, on the one hand, the High-Speed Train, symbol of the model of capitalist society, and other infrastructures, ways of life and decisions that affect it, and, on the other hand, the connection between the lack of express will in order to meet the needs of all without trampling. Because whoever steals feeds the other. This diminutive and dilapidating project, which benefits a few, is being imposed and implemented in the name of the general interest, although the general interest, that is, the general society, points out that it has other centres of interest and needs through different routes. Propaganda campaigns are organised with public money from the centres of power easily, but it is much more difficult among the citizens to organize themselves to gather the little information left to us, share it and defend the collective interests, especially if these initiatives are intentionally hampered.

Fortunately, the popular movement in the Basque Country is still intense and rich. Therefore, we would like to thank the Feminist Movement of the Basque Country, as the axis and in relation to the centralization of the lives of all, the adherence to the general feminist strike that on 30 November has called for the collective right to custody, highlighting the collective right to the custody of the Earth.

For the collective custody of the land, so that we continue to fight crushing infrastructures such as the TAV!

Enea Andueza Otsoa, Beatriz Arana Ortiz, Jesús María Etxarri Sotes, Patxi Zubiria Aldaz

Members of the TAV Parado de Navarra