UAGA farmers denounce Solaria’s “constant pressure” to sell land
  • Solaria wants to build large photovoltaic power plants in 1,100 hectares of Álava and for this it needs to buy land. Landowners denounce the “persecution” of the company for money, according to journalist Edurne Begiristain in Berria.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko abenduaren 07a
Parke fotovoltaikoa. // Argazkia: Gobierno Danilo Medina CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Álava Farmers Association UAGA has denounced the “pressure” and “harassment” of the company Solaria. The company Solaria intends to build photovoltaic macroplants in 1,100 hectares of the Alavés municipality of Arrazua-Ubarrundia, for which it needs large areas. Thus, the objective is to buy farmland for farmers in these areas, but in the face of their refusal, farmers have denounced the “constant pressure” and the “threat of colonization”.

The peasants report that the members of Solaria appear in their homes and workplaces and that they telephone them to constantly sell land, according to Berria. They also point out that they are aware of confidential data on their properties and personal data: “They have all our data: they know how many land we have and they try to blackmail with lies, saying that the administrative boards have signed in favor of selling the land and that we should also do so.”

Alfredo Ortiz de Zarate, a Algerian farmer, has pointed out that companies offer “huge quantities”. However, despite the repeated refusal, the company does not yield: “I’ve told you over and over again that I have no interest, but they come back again. I have asked them not to come back, but in vain.” She goes to the Ertzaintza to report, but they tell her they can't do anything by not receiving threats.

UAGA members are endangering the future of farmers, as they consider that for many owners the amount offered by the company is “very attractive”: “They are offering much more money than this trade gives and, of course, many will give up.” The news reports that, however, they do not stop in the face of “threats” and denounce the institutional “lapse” in this situation: “If they continue like this, they will destroy Álava.”