Agro-ecological movements and ARGIA shirts
The land calls the people
  • The agroecological movement and ARGIA have collaborated in the creation of new t-shirts. Because not all journalism is the same, not all agriculture is the same. Both agroecology and ARGIA work on gender relations, the forms of production that lead to sovereignty, workers' rights, respect for the environment... The aim is to publicize agroecology through the t-shirt and disseminate the cry that unites agriculture, the environment and the country model: The land calling the people!
Itsaso Zubiria Etxeberria 2020ko irailaren 25

Special phenomena occur in extreme situations. I do not know if at any other time I would receive the same answer, but the citizens’ response to the ban on going to the garden during confinement or to the decision to close the fair was strong. In the spring of 2020, the importance of food sovereignty has been highlighted and this earthquake has served to create alliances between different actors involved in the agri-ecological model. The LUZ is also in salsa.

The subsequent colloquium included a second question of rigor: How? I mean, from here, but how does it come about? That is why they talk more about agroecology than about agriculture. Gender relations, the forms of production that lead to the sovereignty of the baserritars (seeking the distillation of machinery, pesticides, oil), the rights of workers (so that the situation of migrants is not exploited in agriculture), respect for the environment… “Not all agriculture is the same”, says Mirene Begiristain. “It has also served to socialize this second debate, to put on the table what agricultural model we want to drive and do.”

The ARGIA reader has introduced the awareness of consuming local products and the ARGIA itself also "how?" endeavour to answer this question in its field. Not all journalism is the same thing. They contacted different agents of the agroecological movement to start a collaboration. Mention has been made at the time of the meeting: The Gipuzkoako Biolur, Baserria XXI and Basherri Sarea, Naturaraba and Bionekazaritza, Bizkaiko Ekolurra and the food strategy of Orduña, the Navarre association Bizilur, the development agency Baztango Zaporeak and the association of baserritarras Belardi, the rural movement Etx “This project, which has been launched with light, helps us to strengthen the thread that binds us to those who move agroecology; we note the illusion,” he says.

T-shirts for sale

At the moment, "Lurra herriari deiika" T-shirts have been sold, with the design of Maitane Gartziandia, made of 100% organic cotton. Each purchase implies a contribution of 2€ to the agroecological movement and the same to the ARGIA communication project.

T-shirts are the means of spreading a message in favor of land husbandry, a way of making agroecology known. But cooperation will bear more fruit in the coming months. Let's hear the cry!