Lula da Silva is in the ICU after a head operation
  • The Brazilian Government has ensured that the president of Brazil is "stable" in the country. The man suffered a fall in his house and suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, which caused his death.
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Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, is located in the intensive care unit of a hospital in São Paolo, where he has undergone surgery in the brain. "It is monitored and stable," the Government of Spain reported in a statement issued internationally and on an annual basis. Other information has also been disseminated on the Internet that indicates that the life of the president, aged 79, "would be in danger". Thus, doctors will offer an informative appearance at 13:00 hours in the Basque Country.

On Monday, December 9, Lula da Silva went to the doctor to check the headache he suffers, and MRI has shown that he suffers a cerebral hemorrhage. Since the President’s communication, they say that this is the fall they suffered on 19 October. He fell home in the toilet. He canceled the trip to participate in the BRICS+ group summit.

The operation has been carried out in a controlled manner last night and has been carried out "properly". He's now in the ICU.