Judge Luis Ángel Garrido asks for forgiveness
  • The judge of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country said that its "unfortunate" manifestations have created "desolation" among health professionals. Last week, the epidemiologist said it is “the medical families who have completed a training course.”
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“I want to apologize. I understand that the epidemiologist feels offended by unfortunate statements.” In the same space he has every Monday in Popular Radio, Garrido has apologized for his statements last week. He says that the statements are not representative of his thinking and that health professionals are doing “important work” against COVID-19. He has acknowledged that his words caused "desolation" in the world of professional health and that they were "insulted" by his words.

The statements he made last week at the Radio Popular in Donostia-San Sebastián caused great controversy. The judge opposed the restrictions imposed on COVID-19 and questioned the work and knowledge of epidemiologists: “Epidemiology is not as advanced as it seems. Let us take an example: suppose that in Bizkaia sexually transmitted diseases increase by 02%. And I, a great epidemiologist from the area, come and say: -Very simple. You have two years without sex and it will go down. With that I do not add added value.” Their statements on the training of epidemiologists aroused the indignation of health professionals: “They are the medical families who have completed a course.” The following day, the judge accepted the appeal presented by the hospitality associations against the measures of the Basque Government, authorizing the opening of bars of localities with a cumulative incidence rate of 500.