Sunday is celebrated in Urruña the first edition of the book and album fair Loraldiberri
  • About twenty publishers and associations will participate in the fair and many writers and musicians will come to sign their works.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 29a
Ziburuko azokako azken edizioa, ekainean. Argazkia: Dani Blanco

The fair will open at 9:00 a.m. on 4 December and will welcome attendees to the Urruña district of Felipe Aramendi. Kazeta has published that the fair will feature cultural productions for all ages, as well as txaranga or hot chocolate. The fair is organized by the Urrunaga association, in collaboration with the Berttola association.

A new flowering

The name of the fair refers to the flourishing of Basque culture in the mid-19th century. This flourishing took place in Urruña, with Antton Abadía, among others. With the fair a second flowering is suggested. In this way, Lapurdi has won two quotations with Basque culture in recent years, coinciding with the Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco de Ziburu, organized by ARGIA and the Baltsan association for three years.