The educational agents and opposition political parties opposed the LOMCE promoted by pp from the very beginning and provoked massive mobilizations in society. Now, a new law has been passed with the support of the Government of Spain, led by the Minister of Education, Isabel Celaá, who was the Education Advisor of the Basque Government, and that the next step will be its adoption by Parliament.
In Hego Euskal Herria, the Spanish State has 55% educational competence (that is, it will specify 55% of the contents) and the performance in our centers will remain linked to the principles established by the Government of Madrid.
Forthcoming changes
Among the changes, it is worth noting the suspension of the revalid ones, but diagnostic evaluations will be carried out in the 4th of the Primary and 2nd of this. At the CAPV, the Basque Government has been conducting external evaluations in recent years, stating that these are not revalid, but diagnostic evaluations. Nor will there be specialized itineraries to choose according to the different subjects. The subject of Religion will continue to be taught in schools, but it will not affect the note of the file and students who do not receive it will do “something else” that has not yet been specified. The subject related to civic and ethical values will be received by all students.
Celah doesn't want so many repeaters.
The new law aims to reduce the number of repetitive students in the Spanish state, as it considers that there are too many repetitive students in the state. For example, all teachers will have to make the decision to repeat it and they will be able to obtain the Bachiller title without having passed a course (in Argia we publish an in-depth article on the repetition of the course: Iceberg peak).
Celaá explained that the law also aims to emphasize the prevention of male violence and digital skills.
They call for a gap to be opened to the humanities.
On the other hand, taking advantage of the advent of the new law, teachers of these subjects have asked for a greater presence to the arts, philosophy and humanities in general, or at least to regain their place before the LOMCE.