The director of Loiu airport, to the courts for violating the right to strike
  • The CSIF trade union has reported that it will file a complaint against the director of Bilbao Airport, Cristina Echeverría, for failing to comply with the criteria of the Ministry of Development regarding minimum services.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 02a
(Argazkia: EiTB)

The CSIF officials union has today come to the Bilbao Examining Court in protest at the right to strike of the workers of the airport gateways of the company Dimaim Systems operating in Loiu.

The thirteen workers of the company began the strike on 17 April and according to the CSIF Echeverría has expressly ordered that the flights go to the steps, in breach of the minimum service criteria established by the Ministry of Development. According to the central union of officials, they will also call for the resignation of the director of Loiu, Josu Urrutia, among other leaders.

The workers' representatives of Dimain System have little hope of reaching an agreement, as the company "does not want" and have denounced Aena's covert support baduela.Hain.