Book "Haziak"
“With the book we want to encourage people to start producing seeds”
  • Miguel Arribas Kelo and Marc Badal, authors of the book Haziak, have been working in the seed world for many years. In addition to practical explanations on seed reproduction, historical, economic, political and cultural elements have been collected, so it can also be interesting for those who do not have an orchard.
Garazi Zabaleta 2024ko urriaren 21
Marc Badal eta Miguel Arribas "Kelo", liburua eskutan. Dani Blanco / ARGIA-CC-BY-SA

Arribas is probably the person with the most experience in seed production in the Basque Country, and this is clearly seen in the book, as Badal points out. Arribas started producing seeds for the orchards of the Uztaro cooperative, and later created the Euskal Herria Aleka Ecological Seed Association. Badal stressed that “when Kelo produced seeds for Uztaro, I did little research on the subject, and it was quite rare for an agroecological farmer to produce his seeds”. Kelo has written the book from his own experience and drinking from other sources, and Badal believes that “this is what gives value to the book: to be written by a professional agroecological farmer today. It is clear that the farmer mixes technological knowledge, historical sources, related to the social sciences and the humanities… and, of course, practical knowledge. The book has also put, in some way, the grain to change the imaginary that we have built around the baserritars."

Fair with organic seeds

Arribas runs through the markets of Euskal Herria with the seeds of Alegia. “Very different people approach the posture: there are experienced horticulturists who come without consulting anything, who buy seeds and go, but there are a lot of people who meet the post and suddenly say: ‘I’m used to buying plants, but maybe it’s a good idea to try the seeds, right?’ For those who are encouraged by curiosity, Arribas already had a small guide, but in the book Haziak the kurioso will find the deepest answers: “It’s a great book, accompanied by photographs, tables and illustrations,” says Beizama’s producer.

Presentations Haziak

LEITZA 6 November, at 19:00 in the Atekabeltz centre.
ARETXABALETA: 14 November, at 18:30, in the Zaraia room of the Arkupe House of Culture.
PRISON: November 15, in Society.
SAFE: November 17, at the Fair.