You can freely say that Instagram and Facebook women are “objects”, LGTBIQ people are “mentally ill” and “wrongful” migrants.
  • Meta leader Mark Zuckerberg has decided to withdraw censorship of issues such as immigration, gender and sexual orientation in the name of freedom of expression and return to roots. The president has assured that he will work together with Trump and that it will be "an opportunity to re-establish freedom of expression."

Leire Ibar 2025eko urtarrilaren 14a
Bideo baten adierazi ditu Mark Zuckerberg-ek ezarriko diren neurri eta politika berriak.

On January 7, two weeks before Trump became president, Mark Zuckerberg announced in a video that he would reduce social media censorship policies before it started.

Meta has reported on the measures to be implemented in 2025 and explained that it will eliminate other censorship measures that were already planned.

Zuckerberg has argued that content censorship policies will be simplified and "many" restrictive measures imposed to protect immigration and gender issues will be abolished. He has stated that the "desire to be more inclusive" has led to some ideas being "left out" and that people can from now on "freely listen to their beliefs and thoughts".

Their counterpart, Islamophobic or racist may be freely declared and manifestations of intolerance and hatred towards a group of persons may be freely used. It was previously forbidden to use terms like "it's disgusting," "hate," or "I can't stand it," now no.

In a video broadcast on social media by the founder of Meta, Mendia explained that there are many measures to censor discourses against the issue of gender, the LGBTIQ+ collective or immigration in most European countries.

Uncovered violence

It has also announced that it will speed up measures so that violent content can be eliminated in the Spanish State. So far there were methods for immediately erasing the content in which all violence appeared, but he has now said that only the most serious cases will be erased. Once again, in the name of freedom of expression, you pointed out that filters erase many content that should not be removed. In this respect, an obligation is imposed to notify any person in advance in order to erase the content that is not particularly serious.

In the report detailing the new measures, it will be accepted that discourses against gender or sexual orientation use the terms "mental illness" or "abnormal". In addition, words such as 'Arraro' may have a normal use of political and religious discourses on transsexuality and homosexuality.


In addition to the new measures that are published on Meta’s website, some of the points that were taken in previous years also appear erased by a red line.

From now on it will be possible to publish that a group of people no longer exists or should not exist. The measure limiting the fact that a religious race or affiliation should not exist has been withdrawn, and the existence of sexual orientation may also be denied.

It can also be said that men are more than women, and women can be called "objects". The measure prohibiting trans persons from referring to them by using the word "thing" to refer to them has also been deleted.

These measures are expected to enter into force over the next two months.