Li Keqiang, the latest "tuanpai"
Mikel Aramendi 2023ko urriaren 31
Li Keqiang, artxiboko irudian / Argazkia: Friends of Europe

In Derabr, Li Keqiang has died young, both for local and current customs, at 68. For ten years, until March of this year, he was the Chinese Prime Minister and the second in the hierarchy, together with Xi Jinping. Accustomed to the enormous lengths of the Chinese high-command, Li's death is even more unpredictable. But it's clear that the heart attack doesn't forgive sometimes or there. As indicated after death, if he circulated with two bypasses, the discomfort becomes more understandable, as well as Li's political retirement in the XX. In Congress, we wanted to interpret it in a thousand ways.

Perhaps because of this unforeseen quality, the official death note of the deceased took hours to be published; however, apart from the usual praise ratings, the note does not say much more than was appropriate in the Li file in the Party Organization Department. Since no days of mourning or official acts of burial have been announced, it will have to be thought that a "low profile" has been sought for the disappearance of Li. Why, you know. It's very close to the pompery after Jiang Zemin's death, but it's also true that a bleeding was someone superior in the Chinese hierarchy.

However, in the line that is becoming such a classic, the most "ingenious" media in the West have offered Il necrological strangers to take some political party to the news. And look, now you see virtues and virtues that never caused him as he ruled. "That's good, not these people now," they say without any shame, when it's been said earlier this week, for example, the top economic head of Li's legislature, Liu He, or right now, behind the curtain, but without strange secrets, which is suggesting economic decisions.

However, it is obvious that hardly anyone wanted to recall the label that Li has always adhered to: tuanpai since it began to be a little known among us. This corresponds to the cadres that have been reaching the positions of command from the Youth League. As if Hu Yaobang, Hu Jintao, Li Keqiang or Hu Chunhua had something in common -- which would make Xi Jinping an enemy, which would never be marga, and her friend. And they could bring China changes that would put the West in the milk flesh.

All this, as they disappear, not before. Until then, the tuanpai label has meant a ruthless sideboard. Also in the case of Li.

A more serious reflection deserves the decisive question of where and how China’s supreme power is shaped today.