Opening in Madrid the first public reception centre for refugees from the LGTBI+ group
  • Kifkif and Red Hospehan associations have opened the Pedro Zerolo Reception Centre, managed by the PĂș blico.El system the first refuge of the LGTBI+ reception system of the Spanish State will host 20 asylum seekers, as reported by the Ministry of Health.
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko azaroaren 30a
Kolonbian Harrotasun eguna 2012an. Madrilgo ostatuan, besteak beste, kolonbiarrak bizi dira.

The objective of the Reception Center is to provide a safe space to develop a process of integration and inclusion of people who demand international protection. The LGTBI+ group continues to suffer persecution, criminalisation or death sentences in more than 70 countries ses.Las asylum claims for sexual orientation and gender identity are covered by the Geneva Convention and the Refugee Statute.

The reception point is subsidized by the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, the Secretary of State for Migration and the Directorate General for Inclusion and Care Humanitaria.Las NGOs denounce that the pandemic has not only paralyzed the processes of sending and asylum documentation, but has brought to the emergency situation people of the LGTQ community who have not applied for social security.

Until now, there were places specialized in trafficking, gender violence or child victims, but this is the first in the world within a public reception network that demands international protection for the LGTBI+ collective. Kifkif itself, for example, had an emergency housing for migrants that had to be closed in February, after the Community of Madrid decided not to grant aid.