Call for a demonstration against LGBT phobia in Bilbao
  • The Biscayan coordinator E28 has organized the mobilization for May 17, an international day against LGBT phobia, with the aim of “showing her anger at the recent homophobic attacks suffered by the LGTBH+ group”. They denounce that citizens who are located outside the heterosis are still “secondary subjects”.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 06a
E28ko 2021eko manifestazioa. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

The coordinator E28 of Bizkaia says that there has been a “wave of violence” in recent months. “We remember the collective attack on a young man in Bilbao under the ‘Págalo’ cry, which he was torn apart, the recent lesbophobe attack in the Moma room, the group attack on a young man in Amorebieta a few days ago, the attack in Getxo, and of course we remember the 8 marics that have been killed in Bilbao in recent months. And they can be more and more places. A greeting and an honor.”

Second-class citizenship

The coordinator has “pointed out” to the media, political parties, trade unions and associations. “We denounce the complicit silence of those who devalue our deaths because we have done something.” We point out that police and judicial systems treat us as secondary subjects, blaming our bodies for the ailments we suffer, in the confidence that we do not deserve the attention of ‘honest citizens’”. The late identification of these “continuous killings” is due to a lack of attention and recognition.

He has also denounced that “the City Council of Bilbao, the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and those who move around their power and their money” are “accomplices” of the situation by commodifying lives outside heterosis and turning them into signs of tourism. “Pride cis, gay and white you are looking for will never reach Bilbao. That tourist city you are trying to sell exhausts us and throws us and our neighbours home. We are not going to be part of that violence. Neither on our behalf nor with us.”

On 17 May, they call on the public to face fear and organize themselves in the face of attacks. The demonstration will leave Plaza Arriaga at 20:00 hours.