Refugee women in Lesbos call for dignity through a non-mixed demonstration
  • Last week, at the end of January, more than 300 refugee women took to the streets of the capital of Lesbos, Mitilene, according to the Catalan newspaper La Directa.En this island, the third largest of the Greek islands, lives 100,000 inhabitants and 20,000 refugiados.Cerca of half of them, women.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko otsailaren 05
Lesboseko manifestazioa. Argazkia: La Directa.

The January event was a non-mixed event, a pioneer in this area. They denounced not respecting their basic living conditions. In fact, in the Moria refugee camp, which has the capacity to accommodate 3,000 people, there are 17,000 refugees sobreviviendo.Esto directly affecting the population of the camps, especially women, as basic infrastructures and services are not covered, as diseases are frequent.

The situation of refugees in Lesbos is serious, and there may be months or even years to obtain refugee status, and until then they cannot abandon the new Greek Government isla.El, moreover, has made it difficult to pass the law allowing asylum applications in Greece.

In recent days, there have been other demonstrations on the island, with the same demand for freedom. The police have charged the demonstrators, as can be seen from the images disseminated by Mr. Ibrahim, who responded harshly.