On the portal Gedar.eus you can read that on Monday GKS has denounced that they have not been allowed to put txosnas in Lesaka. They say: "When we showed our interest in the integration of the txosna in the committee, on the order of Sortu, we were informed that the SGG was prohibited from participating in the txosnas. When we went to ask for explanations, we were told that they would rethink the answer, and so we got a second proposal from the txosnas committee: to make an eight-hour shift in exchange for some xox, but not as agents." The lack of participation as an agent also has several direct consequences: "GKS has been refused to participate in the decisions of the txosnas committee, make more shifts, place propaganda, etc. ".
"They've been aiming to master, accept their conditions and make the SGS invisible," GKS members said. "They have given us, therefore, two options," they say: "accept an unacceptable proposal or run out of a squeeze. And in this way, the Abertzale Left has privatized the txosnagunea that so far has been an open space."
In the letter to the people of Lesaka, the Txozna Commission has given its version. "The agents of the political line have been part of the Txozna Commission, but of course also those who are based on sport, culture, feminism, Euskera or artistic creation. For the space to be fully open and participatory we have worked several lesakarras. The many who are working throughout the year to keep our small town alive also put their grain in the San Fermin festivities to keep the txoznagunea," they say.
They state that they do not understand the GGS document. "Because it's not at all a reflection of the reality we have in Lesaka. Aware of the conflict at the national level, we have met with the members of the GGS to reach an agreement, considered the best for the people. It must be borne in mind, on the one hand, that the activity of the Txozna Commission starts at the beginning of the year, and that the request has been made in recent weeks, when most of the preparatory work of the Sanfermines is carried out. And, on the other hand, we believe that the ideas that are defended are aggressive with the line of work of the various groups that we form the committee. We find it difficult to understand why there is an interest in participating in the Txozna Commission if there is a strong speech against the majority of the groups present".
They wanted to conclude by saying that they want to make it clear that "we have always been willing to cooperate", that they have their commitment to Lesaka and the Sanfermines of Lesaka. "We have demonstrated this year after year, and that is also our desire for the future. Therefore, we invite all the agents that formed the commission to participate in the popular, participative, Euskaldun and feminist party".