Stop at Lemoiz!
  • The Museum of Fine Arts in Bilbao will show the mural Lemoiz Gelditu that JosĂ© Luis Zumeta, Vicente Ameztoy and Carlos Zabala painted forty years ago for an antinuclear conference. Without making any self-criticism, it has been presented by a PNV counsellor, who has refused to do so.
Juan Mari Arregi 2020ko azaroaren 12a
Lemoiz gelditu horma-irudiaren donazioaren aurkezpena Bilboko Arte Ederren Museoan (arg.: Irekia)

The mural is finally exposed in a museum, after many years of effort to preserve it. Iberdrola, a member of the board of this museum, is primarily responsible for the nuclear offensive that stormed the Basque coast during those years to build several power plants. After a wide-ranging fight against nuclear weapons that caused many deaths, including workers, an ETA director and militants, these projects did not thrive.

Young people who did not know that combat should be aware of it. Let them know that despite the political attack of the PNV on Lemoiz, the citizens managed to paralyze the power plant. The phrase of PNV leader Xabier Arzalluz is known: "If Lemoiz closes, we'll eat the cabbages and rinse with candles." Forty years later, neither cabbages, nor candles, nor nuclear power plants.

Let everyone know that, despite having managed to stop Lemoiz, we have had to unduly pay Iberdrola more than EUR 2,273 million for 25 years with our electricity bill. It is the punishment that has been imposed on us by the political complicity of some.

Struggles and strikes in defence of the rights of our people are not easy, but they are effective, as long as we try to achieve the objectives firmly. Lemoiz's name was exemplary. Today, the new generations are facing a capitalist system that prevents the people from self-determination: individualism, violence, unemployment, social exclusion, poverty, inequality, precariousness, migration, machismo, corruption… All of them are our "Lemoiz" today.