In the event of a competition dispute
Mikel Aramendi 2024ko martxoaren 12a
Argazkia: EFE / S. Thew

Joe Bide goes unnoticed in the 2024 State of the Union speech, read by the president before Congress and the Senate and applauded by his supporters as a memorable one. So unconsciously that opponents and the media have hardly taken into account, and the list of Biden’s expression disorders has not yet been included.

But, in this regard, the White House press services have preferred to correct the written publication of the conference: "I want competition with China, not conflict. And we're in a stronger position to win the conflict [competition] of the 21st century against China than anyone else for that matter — than at any time as well”. Reading this way, one gets the real doubt of what the original said that Bidene read, if the slippage was from the reader or the writer.

But you don't have to lose your dream. Competition and conflict with China are synonymous with anything other than American domestic policy. And this is certainly what you hear in Beijing. It's known there as the "Cold War Thought," doing peripherality. Listening to what Biden assigned to the subject in his speech, it falls a little short.

The time of the Dulles brothers has not only been remembered, but has also begun to find people who can overcome it in official US publications. Any exit serves propaganda against the enemy (it would be a little more to talk about "cognitive war") and reality matters a little bit.

But one of the central elements of this reality is the increasingly evident chaos in the direction of this "orchestra." Because the conclusion of the last year’s balance sheet of the relationship of the two major world powers is that the crisis is not due to eternal Wang Yi, but to Mr Blinken’s Secretary of State.

Since he ignited the "global crisis" (he will know why; the others, we usually suspect), it is clear that the Blinken Secretary of State has become a focus of conflict. First, his second, Wendy Sherman (and the real expert in East Asia), stopped when he realized that retirement age was quite full. It seemed that after the store, the gentleman Victoria Nuland (aka) "Fuck Europe" won the competition to decide the foreign policy lines of the United States. But no, it seems that he is also about to retire, and at the moment it seems that Kurt Campbell has won.

Some have concluded that "the one who hated China the most" has prevailed over "the one who hated Russia the most".

As always, the most innocent (and perhaps the most direct) reading is being done at the other end of the equation.