Concluding the first phase, the semi-finals of the 2020 Bardos have been determined
  • On 14 February, the last three days of the first phase were held in Lesaka, Leitza and Ochagavía, respectively. Once the tests have been completed, the following six teams have achieved a position in the semi-finals: 'Bertsonautak' (Malerreka), 'Arranopola' (Lesaka), 'Atekaberts interested' (Leitza), 'Lamixene' (Bera), 'Hego haizea' (Barañain) and 'Sakaña' (Sakana). The semi-final phase of the 2014 Championship of Couples starts on 29 February. @bertsozale 2020ko otsailaren 17a
Arranopola eta Bertsopiztiak taldeetako kideak, otsailaren 14an, Lesakako saioa bukatutakoan. Argazkia:

After thirteen sessions, the first phase of the 2020 Bardos has been completed, and the names of the teams classified for the semi-finals have already been unveiled. The last three sessions of the first phase were held on 14 February in Lesaka, Leitza and Ochagavía. Thus, the Bertsonautas de Malerreka (winner of group A), the Arranopola de Lesaka (winner of group B), the Atekaberts de Leitza (winner of group C), the Lamixene de Bera (winner of group D), the South Wind of Barañain (best ranked in groups A),

The first session was held in Lesaka, between the Arranopola and Bertsopiztiak groups in Barañain, in the Arrano Elkartea, and with a very special atmosphere. With the second point, the local team ensured the classification for the next phase of the Endesa League. Similarly, it happened in the session of the Gaztetxe Atekabeltz of Leitza, which featured the Atekaberts group of Leitza and the Southern Wind of Barañain. Those of Leitza were imposed in the first part and got their second point, thus ensuring classification. The ones by Hego Haizea, however, did not go out of the vacuum, as they have also achieved the classification as the second best classified in groups A, B and C.

On 14 February, the last session of the Gartxot Society was held in Ochagavía. The Amortziaren eliobak group, which has roots in this village, and the Sakaña de Sakana were in charge of singing there. The first ones were imposed on the first day, and it was precisely in the classification of the group phase that a tie was given between the two teams. Once the criteria for disappointment have been established, the ticket for the semi-finals will be for those of Sakana.

Semi-final, in six sessions

There will be three eliminators in round-trip format in the semi-finals. In total, six meetings will be held at the following locations: Tudela (29 February), Aniz (29 February), Villava (6 March), Tafalla (7 March), Goizueta (14 March) and Jaunsarats (14 March). For the first time, the semi-finals will not be held in the villages of the participating teams, but in six other localities. In this way, the Bertsozale Elkartea association wants to bring the Bardoak project of this sport to as many places as possible in Navarre.

This left the semi-final table: