The Catalan Government will study the elimination of the use of the mask in Primary for the next course
  • The Ministry of Education and Health has developed the protocol for the course 2020-2021. The measure provides for general relief, although the groups of bubbles will be maintained.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko maiatzaren 24a
Argazkia: UNICEF

The decision to stop wearing a face mask for boys and girls in primary school “will be valued in terms of context and regulation”, according to the counseling. The Government will take the decision on the basis of the epidemiological situation, although it expects that by the beginning of the next school year there has been an improvement, among other consequences, of vaccination.

In general, the protocol of the Ministry of Education and Health provides for the mitigation of restrictions and prohibitions: it will not be necessary to take the temperature before entering the center, the cleaning and disinfection of the spaces will only take place at the end of the day and children will be able to exchange toys or material between them. On the contrary, ventilation protocols and fixed groups of bubbles will be maintained.