First doctoral thesis with quechua
  • Roxana Quispe Collantes is a specialist in Peruvian literature. He is the author of a doctoral dissertation that intended to bring his original language to the front line and that has been written for the first time in history.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urriaren 28a
Roxana Quispe doktoretza-tesia eskuan duela. Argazkia:

The thesis was presented at the Universidad Nacional San Marcos in Peru. Quispe calls on the Quechua people not to be ashamed of their language. The professor at the University says that it is very important that Quechua feels privileged because its speakers have their native language. One of his great desires has been for Quechua to have its place in academia. He points out that language should not be a source of shame and that it should not be a language that is spoken only in the kitchen of home or among friends. He says it's a great gift of life, because they own language and they can transmit it. He added that 47 other Peruvian languages are equally important.

In Peru, about 3,800,000 people declared that Quechua was their original language.