For the first time a woman dances the aurresku at Santa Ana de Ordizia festivities
  • Since 1509 is the first time a woman dances the aurresku. The dancer has been Maria Balluerka.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko uztailaren 28a
Argazkia: Ordiziako Udala.

Ordizia’s tradition has been alive for over 500 years and is the first time a woman dances the aurresku. In the custom of the Esku-Dantza de los Santanamar only couples who have married during the year participate. The woman who danced the aurresku was Maria Balluerka and the one who danced the atzesku was Eñaut Gereñu.

In addition to the renovation of aurresku, there has been another change. The two majordomes that appear in the show were also women: Garazi Mujika and Larraitz Bueno. In total, twelve people, five couples and two butlers participated.