Imaginate Frama de Legutiano pays its workers the EUR 9,000 they owe after months of struggle
  • At the beginning of this month, the battle of 'Imagine, pay what you must' began in Legutiano in order to require the company to pay the money it owed to several employees. After months of pressure from workers and mobilizations convened by organised young people, Imaginate Frama has paid EUR 9,000 to monitors.
Gedar @GedarLangileKZ 2020ko otsailaren 04a
Langileek hilabeteetan protesta egin dute.

Imaginate Frama, a company dedicated to the management of the Gaztegune and the Ludoteca of the house of culture of Legutiano (Álava), owed €9,000 to several workers. This week the monitors announced that, thanks to months of struggle, the company has already paid them everything it owed them: "The fight, which lasted five days at the beginning of the month, has managed to catalyse a process that had been going on for a year and a half," he added.

The workers informed the company of their disagreements and demands in September 2018: "Working hours were not paid in accordance with the Alavés Convention, not all working hours were paid in the Social Security System, not all contracts were delivered and signed, and no bank and night payments were paid."

In November 2019, the workers received the company’s response: they would be paid the money they owed them. However, in the following months there was no knowledge of the quantity, so since then, the company "suffered blackmail, threats and attitudes of contempt" towards it.

Faced with the attitude shown by Imaginate Frama, the young organized sector of Legutiano launched a new fight in early January under the motto Imaginate, pay what you owe. As a result of the pressure exerted, the company requested the paralysis of the mobilisations and started the calculation of the exact amount it owed to the workers.

He insisted that he would be paid in the coming days, but as the situation did not stop, the young people decided to continue the fight. In the early days of January, among other things, they concentrated on the Christmas PIN organized by Imaginate Frama. In the end, the victory was made public at the end of this July.