In Labourd, Baja Navarra and Zuberoa the right has been imposed muturra.Batasun, while in Bayona, Hendaia, Urruña, Senpere, Hazparne or Urdatx are among the peoples in which the National has dominated.
In Lapurdi, superiority has been almost absolute. Only three localities have not won the Le Pen match: In Biarritz and Basusarri was Renaissance by Emmanuel Macron and Makean PS-Plaza Pública. In all three, the National Union has remained, however, very close to victory.
In total, the National Union has obtained 29,515 votes; the PS-Plaza Pública 22,182; and Renaissanc 21,498. These are the three most voted by far. On the left, France Insumiso gets 7,366 votes. EH Bai decided in February not to participate in the elections.
Participation is around 50%. According to data provided for 18:00 hours, the 2019 elections have increased slightly.