Fanny Carrillo was speaking on more than one occasion with Laura Pérez, both yesterday and throughout the week, the most representative partner of Orain Bai. As the voting time was running out, the uncertainty gave a green light in the Parliament of Navarre: 26 green and 24 red. The tension decreased.
The joy of parliamentarians from Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and Left-Ezkerra was extraordinary. The process of reforming the city map of Navarre has been extended for three years, and its approval has been a palpable victory. On the contrary, UPN, PSN and pp were bankrupt. For one image, the one held yesterday was the last political victory of the quadripartite legislature.
It was Fanny Carrillo, under the eyes of all parliamentarians. He has been the great exponent of the internal problems of the W-Orain Bai Group. Carrillo was not a "yes" supporter, but had to be linked to the party's voting discipline, although he remained against his will.
Until now, the official line and division of the Orain Bai group were known within Av. Ahal Dugu, but not the existence of differences within Orain Bai. Yes, the MEPs of the Orain Bai Group do not agree.
Mikel Buil, Ainhoa Aznarez and Tere Saez, from Podemos, announced a “critical yes”. Now Bai's views were contradictory. Although Laura Pérez did not come entirely with the programmatic pact, she advocated respect for it and the approval of the law. Fanny Carrillo and Rubén Velasco were willing to reject the bill.
It was Fanny Carrillo, under the eyes of all parliamentarians. He has been the great exponent of the internal problems of the W-Orain Bai Group. Carrilo was not a "yes" supporter, but had to be linked to the party's voting discipline and stood firm against it.
Fanny Carrillo, one of the two people who were not now willing to accept a "critical yes" among Bai's critics, maintained his attitude until the last moment. Velasco said he preferred to abstain because, in his words, “the law does not meet the objectives set in the programmatic pact.” His wish, of course, was to leave the reform for the next legislature. At the last moment, however, it had changed its mind: “If they had abstained, we would have been reproached for renouncing the programmatic pact.” Hesitation gave its assent to the law.
The Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and Left-Ezkerra groups happily left the Basque Parliament. Geroa Bai spokesman Unai Hualde called the new law “unprecedented historical reform.” Adolfo Araiz of EH Bildu presented the benefits of the reform: “In each region, what is decided by the municipalities will be respected, because for this purpose the law endorses. This is the result of a broad consensus.” José Miguel Nuin, on the Left-Ezkerra, believes that the main beneficiaries of the reform are two: “Citizenship, which will receive a better service; and local entities, which will create stronger and more efficient entities.”
The President of the Navarra Federation of Municipalities and Councils, Pablo Azkona: “It’s the first step towards modernizing local government,” he said. Local Administration Counselor of the Government of Navarra, Isabel Elizalde, was very pleased: “Our sincere thanks to all the agents who have worked in this long process.”
UPN, PSN and pp, as expected, have strongly criticized the reform. Segura de UPN stated that “this reform is a means to impose the sectarian policies of EH Bildu”, while Javier García of the PP considered the law approved in the Parliament of Navarra as “the last blow of the process of unification of Navarra”.