They report the lack of doctors in the emergency room in Llodio
  • The ESK union makes it public that there are no doctors at the Laudio Continuing Care Center and do not know how long the situation will last.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea Aitor Aspuru Saez 2024ko martxoaren 15
Mobilizazioak egin dituzte Laudioko anbulatorioan 42 urteko herritar baten heriotzaren ondoren. Argazkia: Aiaraldea / CC BY SA

The ESK union demands the resignation of the OSI Galdakao leadership because there are no doctors at the Llodio Continuing Care Centre. The organization indicates that those responsible were already aware of this and have done nothing to remedy it.

In particular, the union explains to Aiaraldea Komunikabideak that they have not sought substitutes from the incumbent physician. CSR also does not know when the current situation will change.

A Continuing Care Area worker has also been contacted by Aiaraldea Komunikabideak. This explains why the doctor said he was wrong on Monday and that since then Osakidetza has not sought substitutes. They note that the workers have contacted the City Hall because they are "already quite tired".

It should be remembered that at the beginning of January a 42-year-old laudioarra died without being treated by a doctor in the Outpatient Continuing Care Center. This has led to demonstrations in the region, the last on 29 February.

Meeting of the mayors of Ayala

In fact, the City of Laudio has announced that next Wednesday, 20 March, there will be a meeting of the mayors of the region to treat the health service and coordinate the institutional response.

The initiative was announced a few weeks ago, after the end of the meetings held with Health Advisor Gotzone Sagardui, "without positive results".

Also, in order to promote collaboration and coordination with the Local Health Centre, the Laudio City Hall has started to meet with emergency staff from the town and Amurrio. In the coming weeks the local authority will hold a meeting with the College of Doctors of Álava and Bizkaia.

Once the situation of the two forums has been checked, the City Council will transfer its conclusions to the citizens to activate new initiatives.