Four people are researched in Bizkaia for having thousands of child pornography files
  • In the last four months, the Spanish Police has welcomed four people in Bilbao, Erandio and Balmaseda. They're researched and free, right now. One of them has detected more than 10,000 contents.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko apirilaren 17a

In addition to child pornography, the contents of the four detainees have discovered the pornography of people with disabilities.

The first police operation was carried out in December in a Bilbao home and the arrested person was removed from three mobile phones and a hard drive with more than 10,000 files. The Mail collected the contents it disseminated through Facebook, Messenger, Viber, Telegram and WhatsApp networks. Following the other three arrests, the Spanish police have gathered a total of 10 hard drives and eight microcards.

At the moment, according to the same information, four people are free under investigation.