Four workers died in Euskal Herria last week
  • A worker was hit last Friday while working in the quarry of Peñacerrada. Eight employees have died since the beginning of the year.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko urtarrilaren 22a
Artxiboko irudia. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

Last week, from Monday to Friday, four workers died in Basque Country in need. The last one died in a quarry in Peñacerrada, in Álava, on Friday at noon. According to the first information provided by the Department of Safety, the operator is trapped in a machine.

Within six days, five

On the Sunday before that week another worker died in Muxika working with the tractor. So within six days, five workers died last week.

On Thursday a man died in Errenteria, fallen from a scaffold, in the new homes being built in the Altzate district. On Wednesday, a carrier died in an accident at Cadreita and on Monday, in Arribe, another worker died on construction sites, falling from a height of eight meters.