Four detainees in Asturias accused of raping two women, one from Bergara
  • The rape occurred on the night of Friday to Saturday in Gijón and was denounced in police station by two women of both sexes. One of them is from Bergara. The alleged aggressors testified on Sunday before the Office of the Prosecutor and the women will do so on Monday, the day on which the aggression took place. The feminist group Martxantera de Bergara has called a repulse concentration for 19:00 hours.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko uztailaren 26a
Bergarako Martxanterak talde feministaren manifestazio bat. Argazkia: Martxanterak talde feminista.

Two women have been reported to have been raped by four men in Gijón and have been reported to have been raped by their partners. The events occurred on Friday night to Saturday, and were reported in police station at 6:30 a.m. by 22 and 23 year old women. One of the victims is Bergara, where a man has died.

On Saturday, the Gijón Police arrested four young people between the ages of 20 and 30 as suspects. The alleged aggressors appeared before the Public Prosecutor's Office on Sunday and explained that the sexual relations they maintained with the two youths "were consented". However, the judge has decided to prolong judicial detention for lack of evidence, according to the same source. According to El Comercio, women will testify in court next Monday, the day on which they were charged.

As indicated, the women met with one of the aggressors in a bar in Gijón, where he proposed them to come to a hostel. Along the way, a man's friend approached them and, upon arriving at the inn, they found two other men in the room waiting. The two women have denounced that the four men, who have been arrested, have been beaten and raped by an ambush. All three had to be cared for in a hospital center, where they were treated for bruises.

Concentration in Bergara

In Bergara, the City Hall has activated the protocol established for cases of male violence and, according to the Naiz medium, the bozermaile group has included in a document the claim against these aggressions: “All of us must stand against violence against women, denouncing these facts, not consenting to them and not remaining silent before them, supporting those who suffer the aggressions, assuming our individual and collective duty, in the face of the macho aggressions”.

The feminist group Bergaranterak Martxanterak has called a revulsion rally today at 19:00 in St. Martin's Square to denounce the aggression.

The event has been widely echoed and, among other things, has been denounced by Astuarias President Adrián Barbón. It has offered its support to the two women, whom it has warned that in Asturias it is not possible to be "silent".