Four days dancing around the resignation of Pedro Sánchez
  • What will Sanchez do next Monday? Resign or continue? This is the main issue that exists in the Spanish State at the moment. Sanchez will only be able to speak about it in four days. And passing through Clean Hands, PP-Vox and lawfare.
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Juan Carlos Peiz, 41 from Madrid, accepted the complaint of corruption and influence traffic brought by Manos Limpia against Begoña Gómez, wife of Pedro Sánchez. The Judge of the Examining Court. On Wednesday, Manos Limpia accepted the complaint lodged by various far-right media, secretly raising the issue.

The Clean Hands itself has announced that its complaint is based on information obtained in the media, but that the union does not know if that is true, and that this is the judge’s job. Clean Hands wanted to get rid of the responsibility for the allegations that are considered false. The judge has also not consulted the prosecution to see his opinion on the complaint. “If they are false, it will be the fault of the media that have published them, if they are true they will have to follow suit,” explains Manos Limpia.

New play by Sánchez

Manual de Resistencia is the title of the biographical book published by Pedro Sánchez. Fame is not in vain, because it has always fallen from within its party, from the far right and the far right, from the judicial level and from violent attacks from different areas. Thus, what has sometimes been declared politically dead is in its third term. However, in a very complex legislature, in which your coalition government is based on a very diverse support platform, and in which governing is not going to be easy, let alone with the PP, the Vox and the right-wing judges on top.

No one knows what he is going to do, but many analysts perceive that this is one of his complicated moves and that with it he will be able to focus more on the right cheat than on his wife. He'll move from defendant to victim. It is also said that with this you can obtain more votes in Catalonia, even more in view of the close situation of Sumar and Podemos to your left. The truth is that in the text that has been published on social networks it says brown or looking, so it will continue or resign in the presidency of the government.

What options are there in this situation?

You read and hear everything: are you going to ask Congress for a motion of confidence? Will it convene elections? Will another PSOE resignation take the slogan of government? Resign and jump to a European or world organisation? Next Monday he will announce his decision to the media.

Clean hands: an old acquaintance in Basque lands

We of Podemos remind Sanchez that before they were victims of the lawfare on the right and are absolutely right. Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero have suffered from everything, as before Juan Carlos Monedero or Alberto Rodríguez, a member of tracked hair.

The same applies to Catalan or Basque independentisms. Pulling the lawfaro, it is amazing how Judge García-Castejón has built his case by attributing to the Catalan Tsunami Democratic movement the character of a terrorist group. Gerardo Tecé makes an important review of Ctxt in recent years on the most significant lawfare cases in the state.

If the play of Judge García-Castellón is bad, the complaints of Manos Limpia and the litigation initiated by the judges are much worse. In Euskal Herria there have been many: Plazandrea intervened against the group and the City Hall of San Sebastian, in the light of several articles published by the magazine of the first; he has requested the prohibition of numerous demonstrations or acts of the Abertzale left; he filed a complaint against the Interior Councilor Javier Balza for “authorizing tributes of etarras”; the Superior Court of Galicia’s complaint against corruption.

The concept of lawfare gathers law and war, and in recent years it is heard with profusion, among other things because it has been used against many leftist leaders in South America, but it is a very old phenomenon, as the left-wing Spanish judge Joaquín Urias remembers in his article last year: “It has always existed with one name or another, and it is also inevitable,” the judge says.

In the Spanish State, in addition, in the last five years the PP has blocked the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary, the principal organ of justice of the State, which hinders the judicial fight against the lawfare. Afera has also had an international impact and, for example, The Guardian has taken the surface of its website and worked on a comprehensive article.