They report that a migrant who has undergone four operations has had to spend the night on the street
  • The Reception Network has denounced that the criteria used by the Irun reception centre for migrants managed by the Red Cross are restrictive. This is one of the "most serious and cruel cases" so far, with four surgical interventions criticizing that Ibrahima needed a two- or three-week postoperative period and had to spend the night in the street. The Irun Reception Network has made a chronology of what happened.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko irailaren 14a
Hainbat migratzaile, Irungo Harrera Sareko kideekin.

The Regional Hospital of Irun agreed with the Red Cross that manages the Hilanderas center of Irun, which in three days underwent four Ibrahima operations and due to the risk of infection, a postoperative period of two or three weeks – and care. Ibrahima, however, spent the night in the street. The Director of Migration and Asylum of the Basque Government received a call from the Reception Network to know what happened and assured that he had been transferred to a more suitable area for his state of health. This space is Residencia Zubia, closed on weekdays from 19:00 to 21:00 hours and on weekends from 9:00 to 13:00 hours and from 17:00 to 21:00 hours, that is, “an area with significant limitations”, according to the Reception Network.

As Ibrahima himself told the Reception Network, the Red Cross officials told him that he could not stay in the Hilanderas centre and leave for Zubieta. By the time he arrived, he had closed the door and spent the night in the street. The next day he tried to get to France and returned to sleep in the street. The National Police stopped him and, in view of the situation, he was transferred to the hospital to be treated for a hemorrhage that was treated. He was subsequently transferred to Zubieta.

Irun’s Reception Network has spoken harshly: “We have been denouncing the restrictive ‘criteria’ that apply to migrants in transit to access the Hilanderas space managed by the Red Cross. We have to denounce that almost every day one or two people stay on the street because of these ‘criteria’ that are not public, even if there are free places in Hilanderas.”