Discussions will be held on 14 and 15 November on the Eco-Social Transition: Dialogues between Latin America and the Basque Country” International meetings will be held at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao. The Observatory of Latin American Multinationals, with the help of OMAL, will be an initiative with a dual objective. On the one hand, to discuss the different ways of understanding the eco-social transition that aims at the new forms of organization of life; and on the other, to strengthen the social dialogue and the internationalist alliances between Latin America and Euskal Herria in the face of an official transition agenda. The full program can be seen on your website.
The meetings will have the presence of a fortnight of members of different agents from Latin America, most of them from Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. Among them, Óscar Sánchez, a Colombian trade unionist who has worked in the oil sector, as well as the head of the National Directorate of the Union Sindical Obrera; Vidalina Morales, president of ADES Santa Marta de El Salvador, who has participated in initiatives against the expansion of metal mining and a member of “the 5 of Santa Marta”; and Germán del Chirinos by Etico.
The programme is organized in two days, on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 November, and the activities are organized around four panels: “Eco-social transition in Colombia, Central America and the Basque Country”, “Corporations, megaprojects, criminalization and protest”, “Paradigmatic areas: energy and metals mining” and “Transition perspectives from class unionism”.
The meetings are aimed at “activists and activists of social organizations, people and groups that cling to the mega-projects and everyone interested in getting to know more about the economic, energy, geopolitical and normative aspects of the eco-social transition”. The capacity is 80 people and you need to register beforehand via email javier.gonzalez@omal.info.