Lula is supported by Latin American and international representatives
  • Most international leaders have launched messages of rejection on social media and have shown their support to President Lula da Silva. Certain right-wing charges that have defended Jair Bolsonaro have also denounced the coup.
Leire Artola Arin 2023ko urtarrilaren 09a
Bolsonaroren aldeko kolpista bat. / Argazkia: Reuters.

The left-wing Latin American authorities have declared the Brazilian attack a “coup de fascism” and sent messages of rejection. Lula da Silva and Brazilians show solidarity. Among others, Colombian President Gustavo Petro has warned that the Right has not been able to maintain the “non-violence pact”. He adds that the meeting of the Organization of American States (OAS) is “urgent”, “if you want to remain alive as an institution and implement the Charter of Democracy”.

Chilean President Gabriel Borice has defined the coup of the Bolsonarists as “an attack on democracy”: “The Brazilian Government has our absolute support for this cowardly and despicable attack on democracy.” Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has spoken against the coup leaders and condemned their violence, denouncing that its authors have been the “Bolsonaro neofaxist groups”.

Mexican President Andrés López Obrador has criticized that this “attempted coup of conservatives” has been driven by “high offices of oligarchic power, spokespersons and fanatics”. Lula is not alone: “He has the support of progressive forces, his country, Mexico, the American continent and the mute.” Argentine President Alberto Fernández has also stressed that the responses to the attack must be “rejection of the international community” and “legal punishment”.

American and European institutional support

The OAS Secretary General, Luis Almagro, has denounced that this is an anti-democratic action “reproachable” and has stressed that they are “unexcused” and “fascist” attacks. The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, Celac, has also shown its full support for the Brazilian Government “elected by the Brazilian people”. In the US case, Joe Bide’s president has denounced the “attack on democracy” and has ratified his intention to continue “working” with Lula.

Closer, Josep Borrell, the United Nations Organization’s (UN) senior foreign relations office, has shown his solidarity with Brazilian democratic institutions: “The place to resolve political differences is Brazilian democratic institutions and not street violence.”

Against Euskal Herria

The coup has also been denounced in the Basque Country. EH Senator Bildu, Gorka Elejabarrieta, stressed that “another anti-democratic wave” cannot be accepted. The PNV has also strongly criticized the “anti-law” attack and called for “immediate restoration of democratic normality”.

Reactions of the French and Spanish ordinances

Emmanuel Macron, President of the French State, has also called for respect for the “desire of the Brazilian people” and reminded Lula that he has the help of France. The president of the Spanish State, Pedro Sánchez, has made an “immediate call for democratic normality” through Twitter. PP Secretary General Cuca Gamarra answers this message from Sánchez: “With you, now in Spain this is a simple public disorder”. Gamarra refers to the reform carried out in the crime of sedition. PSOE spokeswoman Pilar Alegría has described the message as “dangerous” and called for correction.

The coup attempt in Brazil has also received messages of rejection from the extreme right and right. Among other things, former Vox general secretary Macarena Olona has strongly criticized that “it is not a popular uprising. It's a coup. Without democracy there is no freedom.” It should be recalled that the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, and the MEP, Hermann Tertsch Bolsonaro, visited the president’s headquarters in 2021 for three days. The extreme right group itself recognizes that Abascal has a “great friendship” with Eduardo Bolsonaro, son of the former president.

Tertsch denounced the "violence of Brasilia", but added that "I reject the violence of Brasilia, the violence of the left of the Iberofera with the same firmness that it repudiates more serious and very frequent cases. Lula, Sánchez, Petro, Maduro, Evo and Boric are accomplices of extreme violence, vandalism, terrorism and state crimes." At noon on Monday, no official statements have yet been made of the Brazilian coup on behalf of Vox.