As the international crisis accelerates, the major powers are striving to achieve cohesion as a block of union of their allies and vassals in the short term. In this work EE.UU. It is a significant indicator of what is happening with the economic war that Washington is waging against Moscow following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The package of condemnations and persecutions against the Russians has been launched primarily by the West, and not by the global South.
In Latin America, only Colombia has approved the measures that Washington has taken against Moscow, but as the other countries on the continent have not implemented them. This reality is intended to change in the IX American edition of the United States in Los Angeles. At the Summit. However, the organization itself has caused severe headaches. The exclusion of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela provoked the response of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), anticipating that he would not go to Los Angeles because not all American countries were invited. From there, for similar reasons or for others, statements of the same direction came from many countries, such as the presidents of Bolivia, Guatemala and Brazil, or the fifteen countries of the Caribbean community. Others did not join the boycott, but criticized Washington’s decision. Finally EE.UU. has had to exert strong diplomatic pressure, for example, for authorities such as Jair Bolsonaro to attend the summit.
"For EE.UU. They're not good times in Latin America. The Pacific States, which have always been more controlled by Washington, are beginning to emancipate themselves to build a more democratic and just future."
For the United States, it's not good times in Latin America. The Pacific States, which have always been more controlled by Washington, are beginning to emancipate themselves to build a more democratic and just future. First came the AMLO victory in Mexico, then won Pedro Castillo in Peru and finally Gabriel Boric won the presidency in Chile. But the wave is still not over, the Colombian party is about to play. It is not easy to predict the results of the elections of the second round, let us remember that in the Ecuadorian elections of 2021 Andrés Arauz, candidate runner, lost against conservative businessman Guillermo Lasso when nobody expected him. The media and the oligarchs are very powerful, almost as powerful as Uncle Sam.
In the face of a possible electoral victory in the presidential elections of Gustavo Adolfo Petro, Joe joined the electoral campaign in Bide, officially designating Colombia as the United States Largest Ally among non-NATO countries. If, on Sunday, June 19, Petro and France Márquez, candidate for vice-president, win the elections, they will have to manage many dependencies with the United States for the historical trajectory of Colombia. The same is true of Borici in Chile or Castillo in Peru. In addition, the three countries are one of the most unbalanced on the planet, and that is why they have a very strong economic oligarchy, so the right, despite losing the elections, remains a decisive capacity to condition the political decisions and the evolution of the countries. In any case, the electoral struggle is worthwhile, the triumph of the Colombian left is a condition for bringing real peace and being able to build a more just society. Where everything is yet to be done, quality public schools and universal health are a necessary objective to build a more progressive and increasingly independent Colombia. It will not be easy, even if the progressive candidacy wins the election, but precisely for the most humble and vulnerable people it is worth trying.